Friday, April 10, 2009

Reinforcing Japanese Stereotypes?

Subconsciously, we see things that reinforce what we already believe. Recently my wife told me she didn't like the movie, Lost In Translation, because it portrayed all Japanese as mindless fools. Ms. Coppala, the director, besides having the coolest father, I believe, is not racist.

Anti Japanese movie? I remembered a funny movie. I remembered Ole' Bill having a one night stand with a Japanese girl and getting "busted" by the (married) women he was "pals" with.
There was chemistry for sure but why was she upset? Was she leading Bill on, was she "cheating" on her husband? What exactly is cheating?

I watched the movie last night and I could see where my wife was coming from. But, hell, it is a movie. That is what most Hollywood movies do - reinforce our preconceived stereotypes.