Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm new to Blogging

Time slipped by quickly without posting. I am new to blogging. I underestimated the commitment required to post regularly. But I am not going to give up.
I have lived in Asia for 9 years and I like it. I have a nice wife and great son. I have no serious complaints. What throws me for a loop sometimes is how fast 9 years have passed by. I ended up in Japan about 7 years ago as part of my back packing trip. I left a few time for a around 6 months.
The only regret I really have is my Japanese is so poor. I do study but just don't seem to pick it up. I conjugate verbs slowly and have serious comprehension problems. I don't let it get me down though. I really worry about embarrassing my son when he is older - I just keep trying.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I do like Japan

I've been slapped around a bit in Japan but that could happen anywhere. I do like living here. That is why it is hard to listen to fellow gaijin complaining about Japan. I just can't figure it out - if you don't like it then leave. Why is this so difficult for people to understand. If you are stuck here then make the best of it while preparing your exit plan. It is that simple.