Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm new to Blogging

Time slipped by quickly without posting. I am new to blogging. I underestimated the commitment required to post regularly. But I am not going to give up.
I have lived in Asia for 9 years and I like it. I have a nice wife and great son. I have no serious complaints. What throws me for a loop sometimes is how fast 9 years have passed by. I ended up in Japan about 7 years ago as part of my back packing trip. I left a few time for a around 6 months.
The only regret I really have is my Japanese is so poor. I do study but just don't seem to pick it up. I conjugate verbs slowly and have serious comprehension problems. I don't let it get me down though. I really worry about embarrassing my son when he is older - I just keep trying.